by Fluid Company Crypto Art Division

Cybersingers is a project aimed at subsidizing the productions and careers of musicians through the sale of NFTs.
Fluid Company invests in great emerging talents with no budget to use in their musical career, preparing productions and following all stages of the supply chain.
Each Nft is an avatar of a musician, each nft is different, there are nfts of each artist, all of them allow you to download the entire Fluid company discography in Compact Disc quality for free.
Cybersingers presents a sustainable business model where all parties have a benefit, the innovative NFT project provides for the distribution of profit within the community through a layered commercial distribution program “Cs Com Wealth Program“, a real business that generates earnings and passive income for entrepreneurs.
This collection is created one by one, available in only 1026 units created and selected by the guys of the Imagesword team.
Advantages of the Program:
- Valuable assets with a defined and sustainable project.
- Increase in the value of musicians through the reinvestment of profit (press offices, radio slots, and marketing) and consequent increase in the value of NFTS.
- Increase in the value of NFTS on blockchain by an average of 10% per year based on global average inflation.
- Job opportunities and salary by joining the C.S COM Wealth Program, a system based on a business model with 70 years of success behind it.
- Merchandise based on NFTS, consequent reinvestment of profit (ads, influencers, press offices) to increase the value of musicians and NFTS
Download to learn about the innovative project!!!!

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